Saturday, April 13, 2013

Light it up BLUE for Autism: Puzzle Picture Frame

April is Autism Awareness & Acceptance month! We've been brainstorming with a few ways to bring more blue into our life this month and wanted to share them with you!

One Dollar Store Puzzle. We got a 60 piece to allow for errors. Spread outside on drop-cloth, picture/glossy side up.

We used Rust-Oleum Plastic paint in BLUE.

Nice shiny finish. Let dry completely (20-30 minutes per manufacturer) Apply 2nd coat if needed.

Sort through pieces, and clean up edges. Remove glass from frame, or if using a mirror, cover with wax paper.

Arrange pieces around frame, gluing as you go. Clamp as necessary.

Let dry completely.

Vegetable Garden

It's National Gardening Month! Gardening is an activity the whole family can enjoy together, and there are so many wonderful lessons to be learned in the process. Important things like: Patience, consistency, gentleness & understanding where food comes from. Plant a garden with your kids this spring, and keep a journal about the process.


 The Easter Bunny brought vegetable seeds this year in Danny's Easter Basket, so let's see what we can grow!

Tuesday April 2nd

These are our vegetable seeds!

This is after we cracked open the clay pots.

Wednesday April 10th

This is one week later, The cucumber sprouted, and the peas that we added had sprouted.


Friday April 12th

Cucumber still growing, Peas divided into 2 pots and a Tomato sprout!




Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Light it up BLUE for Autism : Painted Jar Art

Today we are making Painted Jar Art! 
We found the project idea here at:

Photo: Mix Elmer’s glue with food coloring and paint it on to any glass to make it look like sea glass when dry. In a bowl, you will want to add one teaspoon of glue, three drops of food coloring and 1 1/2 teaspoons of water. 

Supplies needed are jars, glue, and food coloring, and water

We added 2 teaspoons glue and 1 teaspoon of water

add 3-4 drops of food coloring, and mix to a uniform consistency

Swish liquid around jar to coat (lids are helpful at this point)

Keep flipping and swishing until several "coats" are applied.

We let our jars sit overnight upside down on  a rack in the sink to drain the liquid, and this is what they looked like in the morning        

We added blue marbles and a flame free candle. LIGHT IT UP!

Stained Glass Jar

Tear 2 or 3 colors if tissue paper into about 1 inch pieces

Glue to inside of jar, slightly overlapping pieces

let glue completely dry

Add marbles and flame free candle. LIGHT IT UP!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Light it up BLUE for Autism: Puzzle Piece Suncatchers

Today we are making puzzle piece sun catchers!

First, trace large puzzle piece onto wax paper

I decided to make 2 suncatchers

grate candles or crayons in whatever colors you like to use

We are using blue and white

Place large piece of wax paper on ironing board. (you may want to protect the surface with an old towel  first) Then space out the piles of wax to fit your template. You do not need very much wax!

Place template on top.

Iron on low setting.

Cut out puzzle pieces.

If edges are separated, or damaged from cutting, just repress lightly with iron to seal

Glue ribbon on back

Hang outside

or hang inside. I had to extend the ribbon so they hang low enough to catch the sun.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Light it up BLUE for Autism: Watercolor painting

Danny is ready to paint!

Paint with watercolors, and swirl with glue

add swirls or globs or write your name with glue. whatever design you like will work

sprinkle salt on your picture while paint and glue are still wet. a little? a lot? whatever you like

the salt will cause little starbursts of color,and when dry will sparkle!